Entrepreneur Diary

यह हार एक विराम हैजीवन महासंग्राम हैतिल-तिल मिटूँगा पर दया की भीख मैं लूँगा नहींवरदान माँगूँगा नहीं स्मृति सुखद प्रहरों के लिएअपने खंडहरों के लिएयह जान लो मैं विश्व की…

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War & Peace and personal positions in the time of Social Media

You are either a Warmongers or Peaceniks - unfortunately both positions are wrong India is run by an experienced professional setup so leave their job on them and focus on yours. Support nation and keep opinions low Still if you have strong views, do something which costs Ideologies always cost, and if your opinions don't cost, you are an opportunist not an ideologue.

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Tale of Interest rate, debt and Equity : Three Countries

1. The country used high-interest rates to lure international capital (debt). High capital created growth which created high inflation. High inflation devalued currency thus making debt expensive. This led to a balance of payment crisis which in turn killed the economy. Turkey

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